The Autonomous Vehicle Global Study
We expect 60 million cars will be sold with autonomous functions by 2030*
The entire motor industry is currently engaged in either making automation happen or devising strategies so that automation does not blow them off the map.
At stake is much more than the future of the automotive market. Full vehicle automation could see huge numbers of jobs made redundant, change the way insurance is bought and sold and lead to a radical change in the way people commute and travel with wide ranging societal implications, fuelling excitement, but also fear and resentment.
The critical question today is not IF full automation will happen, but WHO will be first to sell it.
Today, we launch the Autonomous Vehicle Global Study, the most thorough investigation of automation’s benefits, timings, technical and regulatory requirements, ramifications for stakeholders across the mobility services ecosystem and many other factors.
*Level 2 or more advanced. Half of that in Europe and the US
The Autonomous Vehicle Global Study: methodology and key outputs
The study’s methodology:
In order to build an accurate set of launch and adoption scenarios for 18 markets, PTOLEMUS went through a number of steps, all validated in this report:
- 60 interviews of all stakeholders types
- Regulatory landscape analysis
- Safety rating landscape analysis
- M&A and partnerships map
- Technical building block analysis
- 23 OEMs and technology providers analysis
- ADAS and AV impact model on crashes, claims, premiums and driver scores with forecast to 2030
- Worldwide volume forecast by automation level to 2030
- and much more… see the graph for full details
What makes this report unique
The Autonomous Vehicle Global Study is by far the most detailed analysis of the impact of automation on the mobility ecosystem as a whole.
It looks at the significance of the different levels of automation and answers all the key questions,
analyses the key trends and displays the methodology used to quantify them.
A team of 10 analysts with different backgrounds and skill sets worked on the study.
The 600-page study will provide you with:
- A comprehensive analysis of the AV landscape from companies strategies to research programmes
- 23 Car manufacturers and technology providers analysed and their AV strategies compared
- An assessment of the key factors affecting the start, the acceleration speed and the penetration of the different levels of automation from today to 2030
- A survey of the impact of automation on safety, privacy, connected services, the auto industry, the risk sector
and many more of the stakeholders affected - A global overview of the regulations affecting the introduction of driverless cars
and changing perceptions at the city, state, country and regional level - Forecast of the penetration of automation by car type over 18 geographical markets
- Quantitative impact of 27 ADAS technologies on accident severity
- Market modelof the driverless car impact on the insurance industry with forecast on claims and premiums to 2030
To give you a flavour of the density and scope of the Autonomous Vehicle Global Study, we are sharing its first section including the executive summary with some of the core findings. This 130-page abstract is only a small fraction of the full document.
Fill in the form below to download the free abstract
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