Electric Vehicles

The rise of the electric vehicle industry has disrupted conventional methods of moving. Recent mandates in EU and other parts of the world have pushed the pedal towards the adoption of EVs. The electrification of mobility has impacted every mode of travel from two wheelers to four wheelers.
i. EU has set a deadline that by 2035 only vehicles with zero tail pipe emissions will be sold in Europe
ii. World leading companies such as Amazon and Uber have set deadlines by 2040 that only environment friendly vehicles will be used for their operations
EVs in general have lower operational cost coupled with lucrative subsidies and incentives by federal and local governments. However, EV adoption is still facing challenges such as higher battery cost, driver resistance, and a lack of charging infrastructure. With the advancement of technology, it is expected that these barriers will reduce in the future.
PTOLEMUS has completed more than 200 mobility related projects. Electrification of mobility has been important in many such projects. In fact we have helped clients as part of over 10 mobility projects related to electrification. These clients, from different parts of the world, were offered pragmatic solutions to complex issues. Some of the project details are mentioned below
i. Market sizing of global EV market opportunities for a power generation group
ii. Acquisition in the fleet electrification supply markets of a large Asian energy group
iii. Valuation of EV bus and coach fleet telematics for a charging solution provider
iv. Due diligence for two EV software companies for a large engineering group
v. Identification of best EV practices for developing an EV related application for a major outdoor vehicle OEM
PTOLEMUS is also actively involved in the arena of research related to the electric vehicle industry. Our recent Norway Vehicle Electrification report is an in-depth study into the successes and failures of the Norwegian vehicle electrification project. We have also just released our groundbreaking Fleet Electrification Global Study which provides a full scope view of the current and future for fleet electrification.