The Autonomous Vehicle Global Study: Table of contents

SECTION I: The key benefits and challenges of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS)

  1. What are ADAS and autonomous functions
    1. The 4 human cognitive processes
    2. The 4 steps of ADAS evolution
    3. The 6 major systems group
    4. The 5 levels of automation (… or is it 4?)
    5. Today’s OEM involvement
  2. What is at stake here?
    1. Analysis of the impacts of automation
    2. 10 other markets that will be affected by ADAS
    3. Alongside the evolution of ADAS, EV will emerge
  3. The key technologies involved and their evolution
    1. Passive to active to ADAS safety systems
    2. Upfitted and embedded safety systems
    3. The building blocs of ADAS
    4. The 12 gates left to cross before cars are automated

SECTION II: Learnings from the research and trials

  1. The public-funded European projects
  2. The biggest spenders in R&D budgets
  3. The first steps in commercial vehicle automation

SECTION III: How autonomy is changing the car industry

  1. The evolution of the car- driver relationship
    1. Measuring and anticipating customer acceptance
    2. Managing alerts and reactions
    3. Solving re-engagement challenges
    4. Assessment of stakeholder-user communication
    5. ADAS data management strategy
    6. Methodologies for data access and sharing
  2. The transition to autonomous driving from the customer perspective
    1. The new challenges of buying, selling, and using ADAS
    2. Segmenting the ADAS technologies
    3. The business case for the customer
    4. The business case for the level 4 driverless scenario
  3. What can we learn from the Tesla crashes
    1. Analysis of the 4 cases
    2. Tesla’s response
    3. Tesla’s liability
  4. Assessment of the core manufacturers’ and suppliers’ strategies and the evolving landscape
    1. OEM profiles
    2. The imminent future for OEMS
    3. How the OEMs compare
    4. Supplier Profiles
    5. The role of technology suppliers in automation
    6. Comparing the core suppliers

SECTION IV: Calculating the impact of ADAS on insurance costs/ revenues

  1. ADAS testing and market penetration evolution
    1. Safety testing stakeholder landscape
    2. The role of NCAPs in the deployment of ADAS safety technologies
    3. Quantifying the adoption of ADAS in 3 mature, developed markets
  2. How to calculate the impact on claim and premium reduction
    1. The challenge behind calculating the impact of ADAS
    2. Modelling the impact of ADAS and autonomy on claims reduction
    3. ADAS impact on claims reduction
    4. Calculating the impact of ADAS on accident reduction
    5. Next steps to better calculate claims and premium reduction
    6. How to calculate the impact of ADAS on Premium Expenditure
  3. Impact of autonomous functions on the UBI proposition
    1. Calculating the impact of ADAS features on driver behaviour and UBI scores
    2. Will autonomy signal the end of UBI?

SECTION V: The environmental factors influencing the timeline

  1. The current regulations and how they impact the evolution of ADAS and automation
    1. The Vienna Convention
    2. Regulations for experimenting on autonomous functions
    3. Traffic Rules (national and international conventions
    4. Technical Vehicle Regulations
    5. Civil and criminal law – do they apply as is or are changes needed?
    6. How to insure automated vehicles: Insurance code changes required
    7. Data privacy issues
  2. Country by country assessment
  3. Five questions to solve the liability issue
    1. Is there such thing as an ethical dilemma?
    2. Risks and responsibilities for the OEMs
    3. What are the risks for other stakeholders?
    4. How to demonstrate liability?
    5. What are the liability rules today?
    6. Recommendations on how to limit liability today with the deployment of ADAS functions
  4. Technical factors affecting the timeline
    1. Understanding the autonomous vehicle architecture
    2. The 5 necessary technological components of ADAS systems
    3. Safety technologies on the market
    4. Data management
    5. Cost evolution and effect on ADAS adoption

SECTION VI: The autonomous vehicle value chain and channels to market

  1. The battle for control of the autonomous vehicle value chain
    1. Partnerships and acquisitions
    2. The competition for control
  2. Mobility as a service: The route to market for driverless cars
    1. Car sharing
    2. Ride hailing
    3. OEMs are taking control of mobility services

SECTION VII: ADAS and AV global market forecasts

  1. Introduction and methodology
  2. ADAS and AV global forecast main outputs
    1. Automotive market forecast
    2. How automation will affect the insurance market

SECTION VIII: Conclusions

  1. Timeline for the evolution of assistance and automation
    1. Expectations vary between stakeholders
    2. The evolution of the function stack
    3. Do we believe HAVs will arrive earlier than expected?
    4. The path to growth of the driverless car
  2. The main benefits of ADAS systems quantified
    1. Impact on claims
    2. Impact on premiums
    3. Return on investment for the driver
    4. Impact on the UBI market
  3. The key factors influencing ADAS/autonomy adoption
    1. Technology evolution
    2. Autonomous vehicles delivery strategy: key takeaways
    3. Machine driver delivery strategy: key takeaways
    4. Will automation increase vehicle prices?
  4. Liability and insurance takeaways
    1. How will HAVs be insured?
    2. Who is liable if a automated vehicles crashes?
    3. What will the OEMs do?
  5. Modelling the driverless vehicle introduction
    1. Market entry strategies for the driverless car
    2. Scenarios to integrate with city traffic
    3. Regulating the introduction of driverless cars
    4. Forecasting the evolution of autonomous vehicles