PSA autonomous vehicle company profile

The first bottom-up assessment of PSA progress in the development of self-driving cars

At over 80 pages, the PSA autonomous vehicle company profile is designed to be your “go-to” reference manual on how PSA is really progressing its autonomous vehicle programme, answering key questions such as:

  • Is PSA leading the race to deploy self-driving cars into the market and for which regions?
  • How mature is PSA’s current AV programme?
  • What are the key machine learning techniques that are being utilised by Nissan?

The PSA autonomous vehicle company profile will give you strategic insights:

  • You will learn about current business activities of PSA using our exhaustive technical teardown of its autonomous vehicles programmes, including:
    • Sensor configurations and technology choices
    • Key partnerships
    • Publicised deployment timelines and latest news
  • Understand the geographic and legislative scope of operations of PSA for autonomous vehicles

waymo company profile

The PSA autonomous vehicle company profile comes with a primer that gives details about autonomous vehicles technologies to enable you to:

  • Identify new partnership opportunities using our independent rankings of the OEMs by segment and region, detailing:
    • Companies that are leading the way
    • Ones that are closing the gap and
    • The ones which are falling behind..
  • Understand the 7 building blocks used by OEMs including sensor stacks utilised and security
  • A bottom-up timeline for market deployment for self-driving cars across:
    • North America, Europe, and Asia
    • Passenger cars and robo-taxis

This profile comes from the OEM readiness for autonomous vehicles global study that can be found here

If you are interested in acquiring this copy, please fill in your details below