OEM Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles Global Study

OEM Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles Global Study
The first bottom-up assessment of OEM Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles.
OEMs already burdened with falling demand and considerable investments in electrification are being forced to adopt unconventional strategies to deliver self-driving cars.
From merging their AV programmes with those of key competitors, to entirely foregoing development of L4 self-driving cars, the industry has seen everything in a short space of time.
All of which is prompted by the prohibitive costs of autonomous vehicle development and the increased uncertainty of success.
At over 360 pages, the OEM Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles Global Study is designed to assist your understanding of which OEMs are most - and least - prepared for AVs;
The report enables you to:
- Plan your Autonomous Vehicle strategy faster, by saving time with our comprehensive profiles of 16 automotive OEM groups and their associated brands
- Learn about your competition and their current business activities using our exhaustive technical teardown of the carmakers' self-driving car programmes, including:
- Sensor configurations and technology choices
- Key partnerships
- Publicised deployment timelines and latest news
- Understand the geographic and legislative landscapes in the USA, Europe, Japan and China
- Identify new partnership opportunities using our independent rankings of the OEMs by segment and region, detailing:
- Which companies are leading the way
- Which are closing the gap and
- Which are falling behind…
The report includes:
- 16 in-depth profiles of OEM and tech company AV programmes, including:
- Dedicated resources
- Maturity of tech development
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Degree of advancement measured in 7 key AV building blocks
- An overview of 7 building blocks used by OEMs including sensor stacks utilised and security
- A bottom-up timeline for market deployment for self-driving cars across:
- North America, Europe and Asia
- Passenger cars and robo-taxis
- An independent ranking of OEM progress
The OEM Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles report is designed to be your "go-to" reference manual on how OEMs are really preparing for self-driving cars, answering key questions including:
- Which OEM is leading the race to deploy self-driving cars into the market and for which regions?
- How mature are OEMs' current AV programmes?
- What are the key machine learning techniques being utilised?
- Will end-to-end AV systems ever be better than modular systems
- Should OEMs develop sub-systems in-house vs. using suppliers?