The Connected Vehicle Payments Market Forecast
The first in-depth forecast of the connected vehicle payments market
Our Connected Vehicle Payments Market Forecast, is the first to analyse how vehicle commerce (or “v-commerce”) will open up new revenue opportunities in a global market that is set to grow to a whopping €537 billionby 2030.
Did you know that during the “COVID lockdown” we have seen the increase in use of cashless payment alternatives? From toll booths to drive-thru’s the switch to a cashless society, in all countries impacted by COVID-19, has been significant, with cash withdrawals collapsing by 60-90%.
This presents an enormous opportunity for service providers and OEMs alike, as OEMs’ and service providers’ connecting payment strategies build momentum.
The question is which areas are growing the fastest? Which are poised to dominate the market? Which will remain niche?
The Connected Vehicle Payments Market Forecast is the first in-depth forecast to analyse how electronic payment transactions will open up new revenue opportunities for OEMs, services and payment providers across the value chain, and 10 industry verticals.
The forecast, contains:
- A bottom-up assessment of the global connected car payment market for 2030, covering 5 regions with specific figures for 18 markets, and taking into account the impact of COVID-19
- Coverage of 10 vertical markets, including:
- Fuelling;
- Electric vehicle charging;
- Road usage charging;
- Parking;
- Ferry & bridge access;
- Food & beverage;
- Grocery;
- Entertainment;
- Roadside assistance, and;
- Repair & maintenance
- Forecasts of the volume and value of the connected vehicle payments industry from 2020 to 2030, taking into account the impact of COVID-19
- Revenues and volumes for each of the 10 vertical markets
- Revenues and volumes for each of the 2 implementation categories:
- Line-fitted technology
- Aftermarket devices
The forecast enables you to maximise the potential revenue opportunity for your connected vehicle payments strategy, by providing an understanding of the revenue opportunities for the future connected vehicle payment industry