UBI Global Study 3rd Edition
UBI Global Study 3rd Edition
The UBI market has continued to grow rapidly since 2013 and is now estimated at 12 million drivers globally. Telematics continues to radically transform the world of auto insurance, not only with different devices, but also by using more of the car’s data directly. We have performed continuous UBI research to keep up with these trends.
This new update brings the insurance industry closer to the world of autonomous vehicles and is the first to estimate the impact of autonomous functions will have on claims as well as the timeline of the impact.
The UBI Global Study 3rd edition remains the most comprehensive report on the telematics insurance sector, now with more case studies, more company profiles, more segmented focus and an exclusive market forecast until 2030.
This study also comes with the Connected Insurance Analytics report, an add-on to the UBI main study specifically dedicated to dealing with big data analytics.
You will find all the details on advancing towards advanced analytics here
Uniquely, the new edition assesses the 6 key trends in the telematics insurance industry today:
- The evolution of applicable regulations
- The changes in the device mix used in insurance telematics
- The changing role of smartphones in insurance
- The business case for OEM-led UBI
- The use of car data for value added services
- The integration of telematics into claims systems
- The move towards Big Datanalytics
- The impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
- The effect of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on the insurance industry
Based on more than 200 new interviews, the UBI Global Study 3rd edition targets insurers and telematics service providers as well as technology providers. It also addresses the core issues and solutions for new players to start successful programmes or to approach new or immature markets.
To give you an idea of the scope of the full study, we are publicly sharing the first part.
At 125 pages, the free abstract is only a fraction of the full study.
UBI Global Study 3rd edition
UBI Global Study 3rd edition, Free Abstract
Please see the latest edition of our UBI Global Study
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