Fleet Insurance Telematics Global Study
Companies mentioned in the Fleet Insurance Telematics Global Study
AIG Europe | UK | Insurer | Maruti Suzuki | India | OEM |
Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance | Japan | Insurer | Masternaut | UK | TSP |
Airmax Group | UK | TSP | Maven | USA | Shared
mobility provider |
ALD Automotive | France | Leaser | Mazda | Japan | OEM |
Allianz | Germany | Insurer | Mercedes Benz | Germany | OEM |
Allstar | UK | Fuel card provider | Meta System | Italy | TTP |
Allstate | USA | Insurer | Microlise | UK | TSP |
Alphabet | UK | Leaser | Mitsubishi | Japan | OEM |
ALSOK | Japan | TSP | MiWay | South Africa | Insurer |
American Trucking Association | USA | Association | MiX Telematics | South Africa | TSP |
AmeriTrust | USA | Insurer | Mobileye | Israel | Technology company |
Amica Mutual Insurance | USA | Insurer | Modus | USA | TSP |
Amodo | Zagreb | TSP | MS & AD Insurance Group | Japan | Insurer |
AON | UK | Risk management and data analytics company | Munich RE | Germany | Reinsurer |
Aral | Germany | Fuel card provider | MyPolicy | UK | Broker |
Arthur J. Gallagher | USA | Broker | NHTSA | USA | Government Agency |
Arval BNP Paribas | France | Leaser | Nationwide | UK | Insurer |
AS 24 | France | Fuel card provider | Nauto | USA | Dash cam provider |
Astrata | Singapore | TSP | Navistar | USA | OEM, Truck manufacturer |
Atlas | USA | Insurer | NexTraq | USA | TTP, TSP |
Audi | Germany | OEM | Nissan | Japan | OEM |
Automatic | USA | Mobility company | NJM Insurance Group | USA | Insurer |
Aviva | UK | Insurer | Norman-Spencer Agency | USA | Insurer |
AXA | France | Insurer | Novacom CLS Services | France | TSP |
Berkshire Hathaway | USA | Insurer | Nvidia | USA | Semiconductor company |
BlaBlaCar | Germany | Shared mobility provider | Octo Telematics | UK/ Italy | TSP |
Blackvue | South Korea | TSP | Omnitracs | USA | TSP |
BMW Group | Germany | OEM | Omoove | Italy | TSP |
Bolt (formerly Taxify) | Estonia | Shared mobility provider | OnStar | USA | TTP |
BP | UK | Fuel card provider | Opel | Germany | OEM |
Cambridge Mobile Telematics | USA | TSP | Orange | France | TSP |
Canal Insurance | USA | Insurer | OReGO | USA | Toll charger |
Cartrack | South Africa | TSP | Otonomo | Israel | Data platform provider |
Caruso dataplace | Germany | Software provider | PasarPolis | Indonesia | Insurer |
Carvi | USA | TSP | Peloton | USA | Automated vehicle technology company |
CCC Information Services | USA | TTP | Pepsi | USA | Fleet operators |
Chainway TSP | China | TSP | PetroChina | China | Fuel card provider |
Chevin | USA | TSP | PICC | China | Insurer |
China Continent Insurance | China | Insurer | Ping’an | China | Insurer |
CJ Darcl Logistics | India | Fleet operators | Pioneer | Japan | Tier 1 supplier |
Conversa Solutions | USA | Software Company | Progressive | USA | Insurer |
Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB) | USA | Association | Protective Insurance | USA | Insurer |
CPIC | China | Insurer | PSA Groupe | France | OEM |
Ctrack | South Africa | TSP | QBE Insurance | Australia | Insurer |
Daimler | Germany | OEM | Qualitas | Mexico | Insurer |
Danlaw | USA | TTP | Qualitas Auto | Spain | Insurer |
DiDi Chuxing Technology | China | Transport network company | Renault | France | OEM |
Direct Line Group | UK | Insurer | RSA | UK | Insurer |
DKV | Netherlands | Fuel card provider | ryd (formerly TankTaler) | Germany | Mobility company |
Dongfeng Motor | China | OEM | Saama | USA | Fleet operators |
Drive Now | Germany | Shared mobility provider | SAIC Motor | China | OEM |
E100 | Poland | Fuel Card provider | Santam | South Africa | Insurer |
EMC Insurance | USA | Insurer | Scania | Sweden | OEM |
Erie Insurance Group | USA | Insurer | Seeing Machines | Australia | TSP |
ETiQa Insurance | Malaysia | Insurer | Share Now | Germany | Shared mobility provider |
Eurowag | Czech Republic | Fuel card provider | Shell | Netherlands | Oil and gas company |
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) | UK | OEM | Sinoiov | China | TSP |
Finch Group | UK | Broker | Sinopec | China | Fuel card provider |
First Insurance Solutions | UK | Insurer | Slice | USA | Insurer |
Fleet Complete | Canada | TSP | SmartDrive Systems | USA | TSP |
Fleetboard | Germany | TSP | Sompo Japan Nipponkoa | Japan | Insurer |
Fleetcor | USA | Fuel card provider | Sonic Mobile | USA | Mobile solutions company |
Fleetio | USA | TSP | Speedgauge | USA | Data company |
FleetPride | USA | TSP | State Auto Insurance | USA | Insurer |
Ford | USA | OEM | State Farm | USA | Insurer |
Foreca | Finland | Data provider | Subaru Corporation | Japan | OEM |
G7 | China | TSP | Suzuki | Japan | OEM |
GAC Group | China | TSP | Takata | Japan | Automotive Parts Supplier |
Geico | USA | Insurer | Tata Motors | India | OEM |
General Motors | USA | OEM | Tesco | UK | Fleet operators |
Geotab | Canada | TSP | Tesla | USA | OEM |
Getaround | USA | Peer-to-peer car rental | The Floow | UK | TSP |
Gigacover | Singapore | Insurer | The Hartford | USA | Investment and Insurance company |
Go Jek | Indonesia | Transport network company | The National Transportation Safety Boad (NTSB) | USA | Government Agency |
Godfrey-Morrow Insurance | Canada | Broker | Tokio Marine Nichibo | Japan | Insurer |
USA | Data provider | TomTom Telematics | Netherlands | TSP | |
Grab | Singapore | Mobility company | Total | France | Fuel card provider |
GreenRoad | USA | TSP | Tourmaline Labs | USA | TSP |
Groupama | France | Insurer | Towergate Insurance Brokers | UK | Broker |
Hangzhou Nicigo Technology | China | TTP | Toyota | Japan | OEM |
HDI Global | Germany | Insurer | Trak Global | UK | TSP |
Here | Netherlands | Data provider | Trakm8 | UK | TSP |
HINO Trucks (Toyota) | Japan | OEM | Travelers | USA | Insurer |
Honda Motor | Japan | OEM | Trimble | USA | TSP |
Hyundai | South Korea | OEM | Trov | USA | Insurer |
IBM | USA | Data company | TrueMotion | USA | TSP |
IMS | Canada | TSP | Turo | USA | Peer-to-peer car rental company |
INCO | Russia | TSP | TuSimple | USA | Autonomous Truck company |
Independent Broker Resources Inc. (IBRI ) | Canada | Broker | Uber | USA | Transport network company |
INRIX | USA | Data provider | UTA | Germany | Fuel card provider |
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety | USA | Association | Verisk Analytics | USA | Data analytics and risk asessment company |
InsureMy | Canada | Insurer | Verizon Connect | USA | TSP |
Intact Insurance | Canada | Insurer | Viasat | Italy | TSP |
Interactive Driving System | USA | TSP | Visiontrack | UK | TSP |
IVOX | USA | TSP | Volvo | Sweden | OEM |
KeepTruckin | USA | TSP | VSK Insurance | Russia | Insurer |
Leaseplan | Netherlands | Leaser | VUM | South Africa | Insurer |
Lex Autolease | UK | Leaser | Walmart | USA | Fleet operators |
LexisNexis | USA | Risk management provider | Wex | USA | Fuel card provider |
Liberty Mutual | USA | Insurer | Willis Towers Watson | UK | Broker |
Lightmetrics | India | TSP | Wunelli | UK | TSP |
Lime | USA | Shared mobility provider | Xevo (Lear Corporation) | USA | Technology company |
Lloyds Bank Insurance | UK | Broker | Zego | UK | Insurer |
Lyft | USA | Transport network company | Zendrive | USA | TSP |
Lytx | USA | Dash cam provider | Zhong An | China | Insurer |
Mack | USA | OEM, Truck manufacturer | Zipcar | USA | Shared mobility provider |
Mapfre | Spain | Insurer | Zurich Insurance Group | Switzerland | Insurer |
Marsh | USA | Broker |