UBI 4th Edition: Connected Auto Insurance Market Forecast
UBI 4th Edition: Connected Auto Insurance Market Forecast
In connection with our UBI Global Study 4th Edition: Connected Auto Insurance Global Study we have produced a bottom-up 2020-2030 Connected Auto Insurance Market Forecast including hundreds of data points covering over 18 countries and regions in 5 continents.
The forecast provides detailed information on the connected auto insurance and UBI market size, policy volumes by type of technology used, premiums generated by type of technology used, and TSP revenues.
The Connected Auto Insurance Market Forecast is based on a thorough analysis of:
Total Market Statistics
- Number of motor vehicles in use (excluding 2-wheelers)
- Number of new motor vehicles sold (excluding 2-wheelers)
- Gross written motor insurance premium
- Premium distribution by region
- Share of paid motor insurance claims
- Total motor insurance claims paid
- Number of motor insurance policies
- Average claim per policy (MTPL + Own Damage)
- Average premium per policy (MTPL + Own Damage)
Personal line vehicle market statistics
- Average lifetime of a car
- Average lifetime of car fleet
- Share of vehicles made out of use
- Number of new private passenger cars sold (registrations)
- Number of private passenger cars in use
- Breakdown of private passenger cars in use by region
- Breakdown of passenger car sales by region
- Breakdown of passenger car sales globally
- Number of passenger cars in use
- Breakdown of passenger cars in use by region
Technology mix
- Share of OBD dongles in aftermarket UBI policies underwritten (Devices including connectivity)
- Share of black boxes in aftermarket UBI policies underwritten
- Share of windscreen/CLA devices in aftermarket UBI policies underwritten
- Share of smartphones in aftermarket UBI policies underwritten
- Share of line-fitted systems in UBI policies underwritten
- Share of dash cameras in aftermarket UBI policies underwritten
- Average cost of aftermarket subscription HGV
- Average cost of aftermarket hardware HGV
Motor insurance statistics
- Share of uninsured passenger cars (market)
- Share of newly sold passenger cars that are uninsured
- Ratio commercial to personal average premium
- Average premium for personal line policies
- ADAS and AV impact on average personal line motor insurance premium (vs, No ADAS)
- Average premium for NON-UBI personal line policies
- ADAS and AV impact on average NON-UBI premium (vs no Adas)
- Average premium for NON-UBI personal line policies - with AV impact
- Ratio OEM premiums to average market premiums
- Ratio UBI to average market premium
- Average insurance market churn rate
- Average effective UBI discount
- Effect on average UBI premium of UBI mix (installed base)
- Impact of mix towards higher premium customers switching first to UBI
- Average premium per UBI policy-holder
- ADAS and AV impact on average UBI premium
- Share of UBI in new aftermarket policies underwritten
Policy type
- Share of PHYD policies in total policies
- Share of PAYD policies in total policies
- Share of RHYD policies in total policies
- Share of SAFETY policies in total policies
Aftermarket churn rate
- Factor affecting the churn rate (such as segment)
- Churn rate for UBI on OBD devices
- Churn rate for UBI on blackboxes
- Churn rate for UBI on windscreen/CLA devices
- Churn rate for UBI on dash cameras
- Churn rate for UBI on smartphones
The Connected Auto Insurance Market Forecast includes:
Motor Insurance - Passenger cars
Insurance and UBI market size
- UBI policies active on personal PCs
- Total active insurance policies in personal line
- Share of UBI in total personal line policies active
- New UBI policies on personal PCs
- Total new insurance policies in personal line
- Share of UBI in new personal line policies
Volumes by type of technology
- Active UBI policies using OBD dongles
- Active UBI policies using blackboxes
- Active UBI policies using windscreen/CLA devices
- Active UBI policies using dash cameras
- Active UBI policies using smartphones
- Active UBI policies using line-fitted systems
Active UBI policies by policy type
- Active UBI policies for PHYD type
- Active UBI policies for PAYD type
- Active UBI policies for RHYD type
- Active UBI policies for SAFETY type
Active UBI policies from PHYD type
- Active UBI policies from PHYD using OBD dongles
- Active UBI policies from PHYD using blackboxes
- Active UBI policies from PHYD using dash cameras
- Active UBI policies from PHYD using smartphones
- Active UBI policies from PHYD using line-fitted systems
Active UBI policies from PAYD type
- Active UBI policies from PAYD using OBD dongles
- Active UBI policies from PAYD using blackboxes
- Active UBI policies from PAYD using dash cameras
- Active UBI policies from PAYD using smartphones
- Active UBI policies from PAYD using line-fitted systems
Active UBI policies from RHYD type
- Active UBI policies from RHYD using OBD dongles
- Active UBI policies from RHYD using blackboxes
- Active UBI policies from RHYD using dash cameras
- Active UBI policies from RHYD using smartphones
- Active UBI policies from RHYD using line-fitted systems
Insurance and UBI market size
Premiums generated
- UBI premiums generated - personal line
- Personal lines premiums generated
- Share of UBI premiums in personal lines premiums generated
Premiums generated by type of technology
- UBI premiums from OBD devices
- UBI premiums from black boxes
- UBI premiums from windscreen/CLA devices
- UBI premiums from dash cameras
- UBI premiums from smartphones
- UBI premiums from line-fitted systems
TSP Revenues
- Policies based on aftermarket devices
- Smartphone solutions providers
- Policies based on line-fitted-devices
- Total TSP revenues
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